Dani Williams Photography

Photo Emulation: Paul Strand


Paul Strand's "Rebecca's Hands"

Paul Strand was an American  photographer and film maker in the 20th century that helped to establish photography as a form of art. Strand was also one of the first to use the candid-camera technique. In "Rebecca's Hands" he photographed the hands of his wife. In the image the hands of the individual seem relaxed and he uses a soft light on the right ride of the photo to create a soft shadow on the left side. It has a dark background and the soft lighting accentuates the creases and indents in the hands. 
In my emulation of Paul Strand's "Rebecca's Hands" i used a dark background as well and soft hand positions. My hands are positioned slightly differently and my image is in color unlike his, my lighting still does well to show each crease in the hand as his did as well.